Moch. Fariz Al Hazmi

Mobile Application Engineer from Malang, Indonesia who focuses on helping your business presence to your customer mobile phone.


What I've Worked On

Oct 2016 - Nov 2016 at Montazze Studio


Mobile application platform by Laboratorium Klinik Sakura for internal purpose.

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Sep 2016 - Oct 2016 at Montazze Studio

Lab Sakura

Mobile application platform for online clinics operated by Laboratorium Klinik Sakura.

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May 2016 at Montazze Studio

The Graph

The most powerfull tools for searching and targeting your market inside Facebook.

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Apr 2015 - May 2016 at Montazze Studio


First social photo printing app in Indonesia where you can chat to collaborate, curate and print laid-back photobook from yout social media accounts.

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Oct 2015 - Dec 2015 at Montazze Studio

Shoutter Clock

Mobile application platform for online clinics operated by Laboratorium Klinik Sakura.

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    “Moch. Fariz or we call him Aiz is a great partner in team work. We have completed many projects together in the last 2 years. What I like from him is he almost never complain about job assignment, good listener and always does his job better from day to day in getting perfection. I've learn many things about mobile development from him that makes me more understand how to design better for mobile application.”
    Heru Herlambang
    Self-taught UX Designer   Design Thinking Advocate